Parent involvement is an integral component of a cooperative preschool. Parents participate directly in the classroom and help to run the school by participating on a committee or by being part of the Board of Directors.
The “teach parent” is considered a paraprofessional and a contributing member of the staff for each teach day. The teacher relies heavily on her staff, and it is only as a cooperating unit that the most effective day for children and adults will be achieved. Teach parents will be assigned days to work by the class representative twice a year. It is expected that the teach parent will be at school on the assigned day or will have made arrangements for a substitute.
Role and Responsibilities of the Teach Parents:
- Participate in the classroom approximately 2 to 3 days a month – divided among Art, Project, Snack, and Alternate Teach Parent responsibilities.
- Provide snacks 5-8 times a year.
- Arrive 20 minutes before class starts and stay as long as needed.
- Serve on a committee (approx. 2-3 hours per month).
- Assist in Preschool set-up and clean-up days (approximately two hours each).
- Participate in fundraising – Spring Fest, Scholastic book orders, etc.
- Attend two general meetings (Fall and Spring) and an orientation prior to the start of school.
- For parents who cannot participate in the classroom, non-teach tuition rates are also available.
Parent Committees
Please note that the following committees are examples and are modified by need each year.
Spring Fest Committee
This 4-6 family committee organizes the preschool’s largest annual fundraising event. The preschool children, with the assistance of an art teacher, create masterpieces throughout the year which get auctioned off at the live auction. Preschool families are asked to solicit donations from local businesses for use in the silent auction.
Board Meeting Babysitting Committee
This committee is responsible for the supervision and care of the children of the Board members during monthly meetings.
Teacher’s Assistant / Librarian
This person is in charge of classroom preparation work when needed and keeping the bookshelves stocked with library books related to the classroom themes.
Housekeeping and Toy Sanitizing
These committees consist of 6-8 families total that thoroughly clean the preschool on a weekly basis or sanitize and launder toys monthly.
Preschool Board
The teacher shares directly with the Board and indirectly with the parents the responsibility of establishing policies and procedures and program planning. In the educational program for the children, the teacher plans the daily program and incorporates the talents of participating parents wherever possible. It is also the responsibility of the teacher to serve as a role model for teach parents, assisting them with methods for working with children in a classroom. The teacher is the head of a staff of para-professionals (teach parents) and it becomes her task to see that they work together smoothly and effectively.
Prepares agenda, and presides over Membership and Executive Board meetings. The President represents the preschool in the community. Organizes set-up day in the fall. Produces summer issue of the newsletter.
Vice President
Assists the President in delegation of duties and stands in for the President when necessary. Assigns and supervises all preschool committees. Organizes clean-up day in the spring. Updates school inventory list. Oversees board meeting childcare.
Takes minutes of all Membership and Executive Board meetings. Takes care of all correspondence. Keeps and posts copies of all by-laws, minutes and other important documents. Updates preschool bulletin board and posts calendars. Organizes fall and spring general meetings, as well as background checks and Remind101 texts.
Collects and deposits all revenues due to the preschool. Prepares annual budget and maintains accounting records and ledgers. Prepares monthly financial statements and files quarterly and annual tax reports with the assistance of an accountant. Disburses funds for accounts payable, payroll, and taxes.
Responsible for public relations efforts. Responsible for the preschool website, social media, brochures and flyers. Coordinates participation in the Preschool Fair.
Jr K, Pre-K and Intermediate Class Representatives
Take inquiries for membership for children eligible for respective class. Enrolls new members with the necessary paperwork. Sets up and distributes schedule of teach days. Represents class on the Executive Board. Coordinates teacher appreciation at the end of the year.